Monday, February 28, 2011

Finally, growing an avocado plant...

For some time I have been saying that I wanted to grow two things; an avocado plant and a lemon tree. Well, I've finally started one. Ever since the last time I started a container garden and locusts decided to take it over I have been hesitant to begin again, and just the other week my aloe plant (the great grand baby of my original one) died. But with two avocados in my fridge that needed to be eaten soon, I decided to take the opportunity to at least attempt to test out my green thumb again.

To find out how to grow my avocado plant I did the only thing I knew to do, I googled it. There are many many links to blogs and vlogs giving instrucitons and showing how to do so with little variation in the directions.
In the pictures above you see how I have set them up. The toothpicks help to keep the avocados suspended on top of the water with only the wide actually in the water. I also found information that lightly scraping the skin off that part will help it absorb water faster (I used my thumbnail, you want to do this very delicately so as not to damage the seed).
It is easier if you are lucky enough to have a seed that already starts to root in the fruit. If you ever notice you have one like that, go ahead and start it then!
Some links said these will not grow fruit, some said it will take several years at least if you have other trees around to help polinate. Either way, I look forward to the beautiful plant that will grow and help to oxygenate our world.
Things I will have to watch out for: the weather turning cold again, and nosy dogs. I will keep them inside and give them as much sun as possible, and keep them out of reach of the furkids... I took the pics of them outside because there was no sun coming in through any windows at the time, and the lighting was better. :)

At least once a week I will post an update, even if there are no changes...